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Biography & Artist Statement 

Sun Pui Ting (Michelle Sun), born in 1998, Hong Kong. She graduated in Bachelor of Art with Honours in Fine Art at Birmingham City University.  Now she is studying  Master of Arts in Visual Art at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her artworks mostly around with embroidery and sculpture.
Michelle is fascinated by everyday life. As a people watcher, she is interested in the interactions and relationships between people within their communities and families. This concern is evident in the material she uses and themes she explores.
In the series “Departed”, she through the words, personal items (scarves) and the character pictures of embroidery, to attempt to solidify and immortalise memories that have disappeared. Through the process of making, the works become objects of memories that reflect the intimate family relationship between "her"  and herself.


For the project “Past” she created a series of embroidery works, which used pawnshop receipts to talk about the poverty that drove people to exchange their loved items for money in Hong Kong from the 1950s to the 1970s. In the works, she uses the homely material of embroidery to create intricate records of these exchanges. Though the materials are cheap, the lengthy and careful process gives the embroidered pieces the qualities of care and love.


In the series "Contact", made up of embroidery works, she explores her parents' unconditional love, tolerance, acceptance and support as she grew up, detailing how this experience has shaped her adult reality.


Her early works are mainly sculptures. Through the use of different materials, such as iron wire, plaster, etc., she creates sculpture of hands. These hands hold the stories of their owners whose lived experience are manifest in their skin.

Through material exploration of often time-demanding and intricate processes, Michelle’s practice explores interactions and their subsequent imprinting, not only between people but the physical trace left material exchange too.

孫珮婷,生於1998年,香港。她畢業於伯明翰城市大學的美術榮譽學士學位課程。現在她在香港浸會大學就讀視覺藝術碩士學位課程。 她的作品大多以刺繡和雕塑為主。
世.辭系列中,她通過文字,個人物品(圍巾)和刺繡人物圖片,試圖鞏固和永生已消失的記憶。 通過製作過程,這些作品成為反映“她”與她自己之間親密家庭關係的記憶對象。




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